August 8, 2024
Subject Number 046-1707 – Electronic submission of the CMS-1500 through a Board-approved electronic submission partner will become mandatory effective August 1, 2025.
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In order to increase health care provider participation in the workers' compensation system and improve injured workers' access to timely, quality medical care, the Workers' Compensation Board (Board) made a strategic decision to transition toward making the CMS-1500 a required form.
Providers have indicated that the unique paperwork requirements currently in the workers' compensation system are time consuming to complete. To reduce the administrative burden and increase provider participation, the Board will consolidate and eliminate certain medical billing forms and convert to the CMS-1500, the universal claim form used by medical providers to bill the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) as well as health insurers.
The initiative will leverage providers' current medical billing software and medical records while promoting a more efficient workers' compensation system.
The Board replaced the following forms with the CMS-1500:
The CMS-1500 must be submitted with a detailed narrative report to be considered a valid submission The Board has developed a template that providers can use to create the medical narrative report that accompanies provider submissions of the CMS-1500. A sample of the template can be found on the CMS-1500 Requirements page.
When CMS-1500 forms are submitted to the Board using the electronic submission process, providers SHOULD NOT mail, fax or email a duplicate paper form to the Board.
Questions can be directed to:
View a video presentation for providers on CMS-1500 and the Expanded Provider Law.
View a recorded version / Slides of our CMS-1500 Provider Q&A webinar.
Several electronic Submission Partners have been approved for CMS-1500 submissions: View Electronic Submission Partner Status
Subject Number 046-1707 – Electronic submission of the CMS-1500 through a Board-approved electronic submission partner will become mandatory effective August 1, 2025.
The CMS-1500 Field Table Matrix for XML submission was updated on 8/25/22 to minimize validation edits for fields 16, 18 and 24D.